
Terri Goslee

Childbirth Educator, Birth Doula & Postpartum Doula.

Terri is a certified doula and postpartum doula, and is trained in placenta encapsulation, but works with us as a childbirth educator while her little ones are still little, making it hard to do on-call work. Terri loves talking about birth which makes her perfect for teaching our How To Have A Natural Birth Childbirth Educational Workshop. If you are able to attend one of Terri’s workshops, you’re a lucky duck!

“I became pregnant in the Fall of 2010 with my first child and was introduced through a friend to a wonderful woman who became my doula. Through my experience with her, my first birth, and being a new mom with many questions, I really began to have a passion for helping other new moms who were going through many of the same experiences I had with many of the same questions. That is when I decided I wanted to become a doula, although it wasn't until after the birth of my second son that I was able to complete my certification. I took my first client in August of 2014 and knew that this was for me.

My work is to support, empower, and educate mothers and to create positive birth experiences. It is my belief that birth and pregnancy are beautiful. I view this time as an opportunity to strengthen women and families. “ —Terri