THRIVE's First Year Statistics

Here we are.  One year later.  Tomorrow is the first birthday of Thrive Birth Services of Delmarva and because we're just so darn excited, we'll be celebrating all week.  We're so grateful to our community, our friends, and our families for giving us the opportunity to serve the community we love doing the work that we love.  Because we know that everyone loves a good round of statistics, we are happy to share them with you.  

Did you know that the research actually supports hiring a doula?  Evidence shows that when women have the continuous support of a trained labor doula, their birth outcomes are drastically better.  Yes, really! When supported by a trained labor doula during labor and birth, women experienced a:

  • 31% decrease in the use of Pitocin

  • 28% decrease in the risk of C-section

  • 12% increase in the likelihood of a spontaneous vaginal birth

  • 9% decrease in the use of any medications for pain relief

  • 14% decrease in the risk of newborns being admitted to a special care nursery

  • 34% decrease in the risk of being dissatisfied with the birth experience

Can you guess which one is most important to us?  I'll tell you.  It's the last one!  While those other statistics bode very well for our profession, can be very important to some people, and truly are the reason why many women decide to call us, what about the women who call us saying they want a doula AND an epidural?  What about our client who desired a scheduled cesarean?  What about the woman whose baby had a birth defect and whose newborn required a NICU team to be alive?  Guess what?  We supported them completely, just like all the others!  There are doulas who keep track of their clients' cesarean rates, their epidural rates, and their induction rates. We're thrilled to report that we have been honored to serve 32 families this past year and we'd like to share THRIVE'S statistics: 

  • 100% of Thrive's clients felt completely and unequivocally supported in all of their choices regarding their pregnancies, births, and postpartum experiences.

  • 100% of Thrive's doula clients felt safe and trusting of their doula during their labor and birth.

  • 100% of Thrive's clients knew that they could ask us any question, any time... without judgement or bias.

  • 100% of Thrive's clients worked with a doula who was a true expert in all things pregnancy, birth, and postpartum.

  • 100% of Thrive's childbirth education participants had a positive experience and learned so much!

  • 100% of Thrive's placenta encapsulation clients have reported positive benefits from their capsules!

  • 100% of Thrive's clients hired a professional and received exactly what was outlined in their contracts... and so, so much more!

  • 100% of Thrive's clients have reported that they would recommend THRIVE Birth Services of Delmarva to their friends and family.

Wouldn't it be awesome if every pregnant woman on the Eastern Shore could say that?! ^^^

This is the standard to which we hold ourselves accountable.  It's not just about declining the epidural. (Although, if that's what you want, we will do our best to help you prepare for a pain-med-free labor and be there to support you every step of the way!).  It's about looking back at your birth with a smile.  It's about telling the story of your birth to your baby one day and being able to say "You were so incredibly loved the day you were born.  You were surrounded by people who were there just to make you and mommy and our whole family have the best day of our lives on the most important day of our lives."